2:04 3:38 2:47 21:08:92

Remember me ?

Hey . You.

It's been awhile since our last meeting.
Or our last spoken to each other.
I can't really remember.
but I've never actually forget them.

It's been awhile since I've last saw your face.
I can hardly imagine your face now.
It doesn't come as clear  as it does years ago, after you're gone.

Hey you.
I've been making myself forgetting you for quite sometime.
and .. I've forgotten you. or maybe forgive you. terima apa yang jadi.

I've understand that you were just.. growing up ?

I've forgotten you. I think I did..
I've lived without you . Didn't cry anymore about losing you.

there's a person here, at this place I'm studying , to actually remind me a lot about you.

He has eyes like you and a smile of yours..

the end.


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